
Writeup for Vault from offsec Proving Grounds

Information Gathering

sudo all

Service Enumeration

SMB (Port 139/445)

Seems like we have anonymous access to shares. But there doesn't seem to be any useful files in the share.

Let's use of impacket's lookupsid which performs brute-forcing of Windows SID’s to identify users/groups on the remote target. Anonymous@

Using some vim magic, we extract the users only.

Next, we can try kerberoasting with the usernames we have. However, we get nothing.

So I actually missed out on the fact that DocumentsShare is writeable.


As we are attacking a windows machine, we can upload a file through the SMB Share as a Windows shortcut to specify an icon that points to our attacking machine. Whenever the user accesses this file, it will try to load the icon and cause a request to be sent to our attacking machine to look f e with the user account's username. This request will contain the NTLM hash of the account.

Let's start a responder to listen for the request.

sudo responder -I tun0 -v

We can then copy the hash into a file and crack it using john.

Then we are able to get anirudh credentials.

evil-winrm -i -u anirudh -p SecureHM


We see that there is already a KillExplorer.ps1 file, however, this just seems like a script to access the writeable SMB share earlier

Tried using winPEAS however, I was unable to find anything useful.

We can use the Get-NetGPO command from Powerview to get all the policies with details.

We then use the Get-GPPermission command to get the permission level for the security principals on the GPO.

Next, we can use SharpGPOAbuse.exe and specify to add anirudh account into the local admin group.

./SharpGPOAbuse.exe --AddLocalAdmin --UserAccount anirudh --GPOName "Default Domain Policy"

Then we update the local group policy.

gpudate /force

Let's see if this worked.

net localgroup Administrators

We use from Impacket to gain access.

Last updated