
Writeup for Hutch from offsec Proving Grounds

Information Gathering

sudo all

Service Enumeration

LDAP (Port 389)

Didn't really get much info from nmap.

We can use ldapsearch to get all account names.

ldapsearch -x -h -D '' -w '' -b "DC=hutch,DC=offsec"

While scrolling through the ldapsearch results, I came across the account name fmcsorely which had a description saying the password is CrabSharkJellyfish192.


SMB (Port 139, 445)

Now that we have valid account credentials, we can enumerate SMB shares since there wasn't anonymous login enabled from earlier testing.

HTTP (Port 80)

We run gobuster but there was not anything significant.

From our Nmap scan earlier we know that there is WebDAV enabled. We try connecting via cadaver and we are able to authenticate using credentials found earlier.


We then generate a reverse shell payload to be uploaded to the target machine to get a reverse shell connection.

We then navigate to the following URL after starting our listener and we get a connection.


From running winPEAS, we see that LAPS (Local Administrator Password Solution) is enabled. We can try to search for the ms-Mcs-AdmPwd attribute using ldapsearch.

ldapsearch -x -h -D 'hutch\fmcsorley' -w 'CrabSharkJellyfish192' -b 'dc=hutch,dc=offsec' "(ms-MCS-AdmPwd=*)" ms-MCS-AdmPwd

We see that there is a password and we can try using evil-winrm to gain access as SYSTEM.

P.S After more enumeration of the box, we could have potentially escalated privileges using JuicyPotato also since we have SeImpersonatePrivilege enabled.

Last updated