
Writeup for Sorcerer from offsec Proving Grounds

Information Gathering

sudo ./ all

Service Enumeration

HTTP (Port 80)

Dead end. Ran gobuster, nothing interesting came up.

HTTP (Port 8080)

gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt -t 40

Another dead end.

HTTP (Port 7742)

Notice there are interesting files at /default/ and /zipfiles/.


We can download all the files and take a look at what's inside.

Using ls -laR, we can see that max has some interesting files.

Looking at the authorized_keys file, we can see that the file is called whenever a user connects with ssh.

Let's take a look at this

We can gather a few things from the script. When the user max connects to ssh, he can only execute commands that start with scp.

Since scp runs over ssh, we can use the id_rsa file from max to connect and overwrite the file with something to help us get an interactive shell.

We can then edit the file to include the command 'bash'.

We can now connect by SCP and transfer the edited wrapper file using the following command:

scp -i /home/kali/PG/sorcerer/max-home/max/.ssh/id_rsa /home/kali/PG/sorcerer/max-home/max/ max@

We then found a dennis user and inside is local.txt.


We can get on the machine after starting a python SimpleHTTPServer.

LinEnum shows an interesting SUID file - start-stop-daemon.

A quick search on GTFObins shows us the exact command to run to get root.

/usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon -n $RANDOM -S -x /bin/sh -- -p

Last updated